Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My View on the Faces of America

In the Faces of America video I learned a whole lot about immigrants, most of it I didn't already know. Among the people in the United States, there are alot of famous people with different cultural backgrounds with many different stories. I learned that even though the people that were speaking in the video weren't first generation immigrants, they still felt very close, sometimes emotionally to their previous family members. They also didn't know many of the family members that they felt so attached too. For example Eva Longoria cried when she heard about what a big deal her great grandfather was awarded for being such a good leader in war. I also learned that it is amazing how different people are drawn to their different cultures, like how Eva Longoria is tied to her Native American roots as well as her Hispanic roots.

It means alot to be a nation of immigrants. You would have to get up and leave your family, that you may never see again. You may also be nervous about the work that you are about to encounter as you come to America. It would take alot of courage and bravery to come to just pack up and leave. You may also be scared at what people may think when they see you, maybe not having seen someone of your race or color before. I think that many nations of immigrants has greatly made an impact on America today. I think due to the number of different races, colors, cultures, and religions has made people more accepted today. America one big melting pot where no one gets left behind or left out. Everyone is equal here and I think on of the reason that that is true is because of the nation of immigrants. While I'm not aware of any connections to immigrants of the 19th century that I have, I feel like I could absolutely take a walk in their shoes now more so then I could have before I watched this documentary. I have a better understand and respect for the 19th century immigrants, as well as the current immigrants today.
Irish immigrants of 1902