Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Obesity and Politics

When people think about obesity they think big. Words like out of shape, sick, large, and huge may come to mind. Now a days we see obesity everywhere. Reality TV shows, magazines, and all over the breaking news. It  has become something that people are famous for. Whether you may think this is funny or ok thing, I do not. I don’t think obesity should be viewed as a “good” thing. Let’s take a look back to the past  to the present on obesity in politics. Is it bad to be a leader of a country or a organization and be obese?

William Howard Taft was the 27th president of the United States. He was obese, and often remember by this characteristic. When he took office  in 1909 and was there until 1913. Everyone that knew him said he was a nice and good natured guy. He was a member of the Republican Party. Although he was nice and kind, this didn’t mean he was a good president. He thought of his job to be more fun than  viewing is as the leader of the nation. He also was not liked by other presidents, such as Teddy Roosevelt. He was very smart person.  People often said that his figure didn’t match up with his mind. He graduated second in his class at Yale. This also didn’t mean he made very smart decisions as president. The most important thing about Taft’s presidency was that he knew for himself that he wasn’t a good president. This may have been part of the problem of his growing obesity.

When Taft entered office he weighed 300 pounds. He couldn’t help it though. He was a big baby which got him the name Big Lub and later on the name Big Bill. At the beginning of his campaign, before he took office, reporters were mad. They said his campaign was straying. Taft’s response, after he said he was losing weight by exercising  was “It’s not easy to be a presidential candidate, not much easier than it is to keep down ones flesh” (McPherson). Taft’s troubles only grew worse once he took office. He became stuck in the White House bath tub because of his size. The White House had to install a bigger bath tub just for Taft. It was seven feet long and 4 feet wide. This bath tub could fit 3 of the workers who installed it. Food became Taft’s go to. He no longer listened to his wife’s strict diets. He hid his food, and sneaked out to get snacks. He also planned trips he knew would have extreme banquets with lots of food. Since his weight went up and down during his presidency, he gained 50 more pounds in office. Historians believe the reason for his weight problems were pressure. They say he must have eaten under pressure. Food gave him comfort during hard times.  A quote from the book “ To the best of My Ability”, says “He’ll never be regarded as a great president, or even as a good one, but perhaps someday his obesity may cease to be his legacy” (McPherson).

In the present day a new leader is affected by this same problem. Chris Christie. He is the governor of New Jersey. He is also of the Republican Party. He tried to run for president during the 2012 election, and is now trying to regain popularity and run in the 2016 election. Since Taft there as only been a handful of obese presidents. Bill Clinton often had to worry about his weight and keep it under control. The questions and concerns that arise about Christie as he thinks about running are his body size, being a national leader verse the obesity epidemic present in America today. Christie is well liked and well known. He has been fighting with this issue on a personal level for three decades, now he has to face it on a political level. One of the concern is the TV. When he is making public speeches people can see him on TV and this will make a impact on their views. He is aware that he has problem and is will and making an effort to fix it. Chris Christie said this about himself, “I mean listen, I need to lose weight, there’s no news flash there, and I’d be healthier if I did. But the objective indicators of my health, you know, my blood pressure, my cholesterol, my asthma, is very much under control… But I also know that I’d be a lot healthier if I lost some weight. It’s a constant struggle. I’m trying. I go up. I go down. It’s an effort” (Christie).

Now with the issue of obesity at our feet in America. Obesity is when someone is over ten percent of their recommended weight. More than one third of the population of 20 and older people in America are obese. Another one third are overweight. Obesity causes 400,000 deaths a year. Obesity is now affecting the younger generations too. Fifteen percent of the population under the age of 18 are obese. There are many causes for obesity, some not as extreme as others. Environmental factors, eating habits like eating fast food, genetics, and emotions all affect obesity. Where does this leave us? It leaves us at our country only getting worse.

Overall obesity is a large problem that has built up little by little over time. From Taft, whose weight will be remembered through game shows and trivia question, to Chris Christie, who could be our next president. I believe that the concerns we as a nation have with obesity are valid. What we consume is not healthy for our bodies, our minds, or our country. With Chris Christie people will judge. They will say that someone his size has no room to talk about health concerns facing America. All Christie along with other Americans facing this problem can do is try and make a effort. 

                                                  Chris Christie, the Governor of New Jersey

                                             William Howard Taft, the 27th president of the US

                                                      The specially made bath tub for Taft

                                            A chart of the rate of growing obesity in the USA

"To the Best of My Ability," by James M. McPherson  This source is my primary source, but also helped me find general information on Taft's presidency, along with some information about his obesity.

"The History of the American Presidency" By John Bowman This book source, a secondary source, helped me to find about the starting weight of Taft.

AVL- Biography on William Howard Taft  This source helped me learn about the pressures of Taft's obesity and how it affected him in office.

An Article on Chris Christie's Weight Problems This source helped me to learn about the weight problems that Christie faces and how they will affect him if he becomes president.

"Has Chris Christie Passed His Sell-By Date?"  This source I used as a primary source as well as a source about Chris Christie politics.

 A website on Obesity in America This source helped me learn get some facts on the basic epidemic of obesity.